Sunday, November 27, 2005

Only medical staff can carry out such checks

NST: Only medically-trained people should be allowed to examine the private parts of females under detention, doctors said today.
Kuala Lumpur Hospital consultant pulmonary and critical care physician Datuk Dr Jeyaindran Sinnadurai said women suspected of hiding something in their vagina or rectum should be taken to a hospital for examination.
He said police could perform a superficial search of the person but leave it to the professionals when it came to examining the private parts.
"We are talking about a fine line here," he said when commenting on the alleged mistreatment of a woman from China who was forced to strip and do squats to expel hidden objects.
He said that yesterday’s statement by Women’s Aid Organisation executive director Ivy Josiah that squatting exercises would not necessarily bring out anything hidden in the vagina or rectum was right.
"Only a medically-trained person will be able to do a proper examination and determine if there is anything hidden inside a woman."

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