Thursday, March 09, 2006

Avian flu pandemic exercise to test states’ preparedness

Star: KUALA LUMPUR: The avian flu pandemic preparedness simulation exercise this month will take place as scheduled, to see if the health authorities’ efficient handling of the outbreak in Setapak could be replicated in other states.
Health director-general Datuk Dr Mohd Ismail Merican said while the effective management of the bird flu situation in Setapak last month had proven the strength of the National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan, “those involved cannot afford to be complacent.”
“From that particular event, we realised we were prepared to handle an epidemic,” he said yesterday.
“Everything went like clockwork. People knew what their responsibilities were, not only the Health Ministry, but also the Agriculture Ministry, other agencies, and other stakeholders in health.
“But that was KL/Selangor, what about other states? It might not be the same scenario. So we need to have further exercises to see whether the same kind of efficiency and collaboration can be replicated.”
During this inter-pandemic period, risk communication will be essential. As such, Dr Ismail encouraged all health stakeholders – practitioners, organisations, workplaces and educational institutions – to approach the health authorities for information and educational materials such as pamphlets and fact sheets.
“We have the materials, but we may not have the manpower to reach everyone,” said Dr Ismail.
If the guidelines outlined in the National Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan and the Alert, Enhanced Surveillance and Management of Avian Influenza in Human advisory are followed, Dr Ismail does not foresee any major problems if and when outbreaks occur.
Copies of the Plan’s guidelines can be obtained from the Health Ministry, while pandemic management strategy highlights, avian influenza fact sheets and surveillance and management guidelines can be downloaded at http://

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